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3 Ergebnisse gefunden für „“

  • Social Media Group Workshop - Online

    This online group workshop is perfect for companies or a group of people (friends, family, etc.), who are interested in getting to know the digital world of social media. This workshop gives you an introduction of what social media actually is - and which opportunities it offers. This includes an introduction to different social media channels and marketing options, which will be explained with real-life examples and success-stories. Influencer collaborations, affiliate marketing programmes, and social media campaigns will also be targeted and broken down for your employees or group of participants. In the second half of the workshop, your own social media appearance will be analysed in the group. This can be the companies social media channels or individual social media profiles (e.g. a group of friends has booked this workshop; then every individual social media profile will be analysed). Furthermore, we will work out a strategy and plan based on your social media appearance, topic, industry, and goals, which you can implement on your own. Documents (PDFs) and fact sheets will be provided during the session so everything discussed in the workshop will be accessible and clear to you. Duration: 2-3 hours

  • 1h Social Media Consultation - Online

    In this one hour long 1-on-1 online meeting, we will analyse your social media appearance and work out a strategy to improve it. We will specifically discuss your personal needs: difficulties, goals, achievements until now, and of course answer all of your questions when it comes to social media businesses. By the end of the session, we will also have defined a time frame in which you will implement the plan & strategy we worked out together during this 1h meeting, leaving you good to go! Additionally, we will provide you with well-structured documents (PDFs) that display the strategy & plan we worked out, so everything we discussed is easily accessible for you. These documents clearly show the process and make it easy for you to implement the strategy and step-by-step plan on your own!

  • 1h Social Media Introduction

    In this 1-hour long online session, we'll introduce you to the world of social media - How it works, which opportunities it offers, why it's important, and what it takes to become successful in the digital world. We'll give you an overview of different social media channels/networks, how they operate, and for whom they may be interesting. Furthermore, we'll also teach you how social media marketing works and why it is becoming so important for companies in order to be successful on a longterm basis. This includes breaking down and explaining influencer marketing, affiliate programmes, or social media marketing campaigns on an understandable, easy level. If you feel social media is an unknown and mystic territory, then this 1h course is made for you! We make this world understandable for you - give you all information you need, and answer your questions. We believe in the power of social media and want everyone to be able to take part in it. That's why we make social media easily understandable - because it really is!

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